Schedules & Fees

2024-2025 Schedules & Fees

Download our handbook Below. If you have any questions about our schedules & fees, please reach out to us. 


Regular School Hours: 8:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Optional Early Birds: 7:45a.m. – 8:45 a.m.

Optional Lunch Bunch:  12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Optional STEP (St. Timothy’s Enrichment Program): 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

A form will go home each month to sign up for any of the optional programming. It is not a yearly committment. Your chiild could stay from 7:45-4:00 daily, or just from 8:45-12:00, depending on your needs. You might just need to stay for Lunch Bunch once a month. We know life happens, that’s why we try to give you different options. Call the school for more clarification about this.


The Annual Tuition Amount is Divided into 9 Equal Subsequent Payments are Monthly Beginning September 1st.

2 1/2 YEAR OLD STUDENTS – Must be 2 1/2 by 9/1/2024 and in the process of potty-training 

2 Day Classes (T/TH): $325/Month
3 Day Classes (M/W/F): $415/Month
4 Day Classes (T-F): $480/Month
5 Day Classes (M-F): $540/Month

THREE YEAR OLD STUDENTS – Must by 3 by 9/30/2024 and fully potty-trained

2 Day Classes (T/TH): $300/Month
3 Day Classes (M/W/F): $400/Month
4 Day Classes (T-F): $465/Month
5 Day Classes: $530/Month


PREK STUDENTS – Must by 4 by 9/30/2024 and fully potty-trained

4 Day Classes (T-F): $465/Month
5 Day Classes:  $530/Month


EARLY BIRDS: 7:45 – 8:45 


LUNCH BUNCH: 12:00 – 1:30


S.T.E.P. (Enrichment Program): $140/4 Week

Example of one session of S.T.E.P.: The four Mondays in a month equal one 4 week session of S.T.E.P. The four Tuesdays equal one session and so on. All sessions include the price of Lunch Bunch. A discount is given after you attend a certain number of sessions (please call the office for more information).



ANNUAL ACTIVITY/SUPPLY FEE: $100/2 Day Program, $100/3 Day Program, $125/4 & 5 Day Programs

*The Registration Fee is submitted with the Registration Form and is not refundable after placement. The Annual Activity Fee and the first tuition payment are due June 1st and are not refundable. Remaining tuition payments #2-#9 ,are due by the 1st of each month, beginning September 1st, with the final payment due on April 1st. Last day of classes are at the end of May.

Cartoon Children jumping in the air and smiling