Our Curriculum
St. Timothy’s curriculum is play-based and uses the best principles of both the traditional self-contained structured classroom (“homeroom”) model and the “open classroom” model, where the child is free to extend his/her interests by selecting work and play areas in various activity rooms. Our day starts in homeroom, where students play with classmates of their own age, work on daily projects with their teachers, and have circle time, which offers whole group activities such as songs, stories, and show and tell. After homeroom we have an hour of “Open Time,” during which all students have the opportunity to go from room-to-room for various math, science, and art activities that are all related to the theme of the week. They can visit the art room, snack room, science room, math room, music/yoga room and enjoy some play time in either the quiet or play rooms at their own pace, giving students of all ages the chance to play and work with each other. After Open Time, students return to their homerooms for class-specific activities and outdoor play time.
The confidence, responsibility and independence the children gain from daily Open Time experience is fascinating to see. Studies have shown that children who can move about during the school day tend to have an easier time focusing and learning. And the interaction between the younger and older students helps develop maturity and independence in the younger students and responsibility and helpfulness in the older students.
The teachers take full advantage of the eight beautiful acres and large, fenced-in playground for outdoor play experiences. The program is enriched by select field trips during the year and by visits from local resource personnel, such as the annual Fire Department puppet show and the “Otto the Auto” safety presentation. We also encourage parents to share their skills with the student body (e.g., we have had parents give presentations on the Powhatan Native American Tribe in Virginia, the space shuttle program, the Armed Forces, and Indian dancing for Diwali), and we ask parents to assist with field trips by providing transportation and additional supervision.
Childhood Education Programs – Regular Hours 8:45-12:00
Below are our childhood education programs we offer in our pre-school facilities. We welcome you to read through each of our program descriptions.
Junior Preschool (2 1/2-Year-Old) Class
2 1/2-year-old program consists of morning classes for children who will turn 2 1/2 by September 1 of the current school year. This class will meets 2, 3 or 5 mornings from 8:45-12:00. Students will spend the morning making friends, learning through free play, and developing listening and sharing skills. Children should be in the process of toilet-training. Teachers will work on this skill. Pull-ups are allowed, but no diapers. They must be fully potty-trained by their 3rd birthday.
Three-Year-Old Classes
The 3-year-old program consists of morning classes for children who will have their third birthday on or before Sept. 30 of the current school year. Children must be toilet-trained and ready to participate in group activities. Their classes meet 3, 4 or 5 mornings each week from 8:45 am -12:00 pm.
Pre-Kindergarten Classes
Enrollment in the Pre-K classes is limited to children age four by Sept. 30 of the current school year and young five-year-olds. Pre-K classes meet 4 or 5 mornings each week. Hours are 8:45 am -12:00 pm.