Junior Pre-School
2 1/2 Year Old and Three Year Old Class Curriculum:
St. Timothy’s Pre-School focuses on learning through play. We want our students to have fun, and that fun happens in an enriched environment where the students may not even realize that they are learning while playing. Our goals for the Junior Preschool and Three Year program are as follows:
- Foster the development of social skills: sharing, using words to express wants and needs, taking turns both with items and in speaking, waiting in a queue, listening as others speak, and following directions. The main focus of our these programs is learning and practicing appropriate social interactions, with an emphasis on treating others with kindness, acceptance, and compassion.
- Foster emotional development: recognize one’s own emotions, learn socially acceptable ways of expressing those emotions, and learning understand how others might be feeling.
- Develop fine motor skills, especially holding a pencil/crayon/marker correctly, exercising the muscles needed for writing and drawing, and learning to use scissors.
- Encourage independence and decision making.
- Encourage language development.
- Encouraging cognitive development, including letters, numbers, colors, shapes, time, recall, imagination, multi-part direction following, and making connections or drawing conclusions.
- Encourage the development of gross motor skills.