Pandemic Procedures

Pandemic Policies and Procedures

For more information about our procedures, please contact the preschool at 703-437-4767.

St. Timothy’s Pre-School is preparing to open for in-person learning beginning September 14/15 with COVID-19 policies and procedures in place. Please be assured that keeping your children, families and our staff safe is our top priority. Based on our current understanding of the guidelines from the CDC and the Virginia Department of Social Services, we have implemented additional protective measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. We are committed to meeting or surpassing CDC and state guidelines.


3 Boys On the playground

We know that this year will be full of changes, but rest assured that we are excited about providing your child with a rich experience. As we reopen, it is important that we limit exposure within the classrooms and throughout the building. We will begin the year with staggered drop-off and pick-up times by class and we will be taking daily temperatures with a touchless thermometer. Daily health screenings will be done. Visitors will be limited in the school.  Staff will be wearing a face shield or clean face mask each day. We will ask that each child arrive at school with a clean face mask, as well. While inside they will be encouraged to wear a face mask especially when involved in productive play and when unable to maintain physical distancing. Children will not be required to wear face masks while outside.  At this time we will not be following our Open Time model but will have children remain with their classroom and two teachers throughout the morning. Weather permitting, we will be spending additional time outside. St. Timothy’s is lucky to sit on eight (8) beautiful acres with plenty of exploring opportunities for our children and an opportunity to physically distance from other classes. We will begin with smaller class sizes and there will not be any commingling with other classes.  Each child will be given a personal cubby with their own caddy full of school supplies. We will continue to put an emphasis on hand washing procedures and will increase the amount of cleaning and disinfecting, especially high touch areas, in the school throughout the day.  A private janitorial service will continue to come in nightly.

We look forward to working with our families to provide a rewarding experience for your children.

Breaking News

For more information about pendemic policies, please contact us today!